Each kit has a guided Manifestation Journal & a unique Moss Art Kit. The Manifestation Journal has guided prompts to foster the vibration of the feeling of JOY, LOVE, and PEACE in your life.

Create a stunning piece of moss artwork for a daily reminder of what you want to infuse into your day.

Each kit has everything you need, including varied reindeer or sheet moss combinations, manifestation crystal gem and a display easel is included to showcase your masterpiece! There are three Phrases of Manifestation to choose from in each kit. Choose a phrase which best aligns with your current intention and desire for your life moving forward.

Your moss artwork requires no watering, misting or light because it is preserved and not alive.

Whether you want a solo journey of artistic and personal self-development, an activity that you can do with your friends and loved ones, or the perfect meaningful gift, a Happy Moss Manifestation Kit is the perfect solution.

Workshops are available.

Or buy a case and put on your own.


Unleash your creativity and amplify joy, love and/or peace!

Manifestation Journal
Preserved Reindeer Moss
One Manifestation Crystal Gem
3 Manifestation Phrases
Backing Board
Craft Glue
Easel for Display
Link to Instructional Video
& Meditation Audio



Looking for a personal self-development activity that you can do with your friends, co-workers or loved ones? A Happy Moss Kit activity it is the perfect solution.

Workshops are available.

Or buy a case and put on your own.

Contact Lesley for Workshop

The Details

Moss Care & About Preserved Moss


About Your Kit & How to Build It




EnJOY creating your personal moss reminder of the possibilities within you.

With heaps of gratitude and oodles of love,
Lesley and Tanya
Happy Moss Factory ♥ The Joy Alchemist

PS. This project took over 3 years to come together. We were missing the last divine puzzle pieces; which we found on sacred land on a street corner in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada .

We instilled love into our creative collaborative endevour ~ it was all meant for you and for you to share. ♥

Each piece is your personal manifestation! crafted with intention and ready for the universe to embrace and reflect back to you.